Sunday, 4 September 2011

It would be nice if the film Inner Space became true. Just having the ability to employ a little man to fly around your insides and figure out what the hell is going on with yourself would be fantastically useful, I'm sure.

Although, for me, I guess I would employ a shrunken psychologist who can work out what bits of memories or chunks of brain matter are causing me to act in certain ways or say the wrong thing in different contexts. Or, to use a different metaphor, at least a team of Numskulls who you could question to find out how your brain is running, and what problem areas need to be sorted out.

Y'know, not just like tumors, but things like confirming what you're feeling about certain matters, or even just figuring out what the fuck I do feel about some things. I need a tiny Jack Bauer synapse beating the shit out of an especially reticent memory bank to find out what it knows, and then decide what to do about it. It would be even better if you could somehow transport that mini-Bauer in to other people's heads, just to see if their mind and their mouths match up to what's being said.

Instead, were all left to fend for ourselves, and for those of us who don't know what their own brain is trying to tell them, how the fuck are you supposed to know how to help anyone else? The system just doesn't seem fair.

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